Don't Help Kids With Contra Dancing If They Don't Need Help


If you're a kid like me, most kids have probably never heard of contra dancing before. You're probably wondering: contra dance -- what's that? Contra dancing is in some ways similar to square dancing. It's a group dance with a caller and a live band. When you think of dancing you probably think of rock and roll or pop or something, but no. It's folk music. If you are interested in learning more about that, whether you're a grown up or a kid, you can try out contra dancing. If you live around Somerville I would recommend dancing at BIDA.

Normally, if you're a grown up and you're contra dancing, you might see a kid dancing. They might be doing great, or they might not be doing great. Either way, your brain might say "oh, I should give them a hand". But if the kid is contra dancing and is doing a good job, they will probably find it frustrating if you help them with something they already know how to do. Unless they're having trouble with something you should probably let them do it by themself. But if they are having trouble, like let's say they are not suyre where to go on the hey for four, then maybe point to where they should go next and that might help them figure it out. Though I've also had in the past cases where people have pushed my shoulder in the right direction, and I prefer it if random people in contra dancing don't touch me for no reason.

Sometimes when I am dancing I might be having a really hard time with figuring out what I'm supposed to be doing, and when that happens if someone points me in the right direction that can be really crazy helpful because then I won't accidentally try to swing my partner when I'm actually supposed to be dosidoing. But if a kid is doing fine then just let them be and go on with the dance.

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